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Who We Are

Lead Clinic was founded by Peter Vitale with the desire to provide transparency to the lead buying process.

About Us

Lead Clinic was founded by Peter Vitale with the desire to provide transparency to the lead buying process for the insurance industry. In 2011, Peter opened an Allstate insurance agency and grew it to one of the largest agencies in the nation. This was accomplished by matching a passion to help others with online customer engagement and lead buying. As a result of his success, he began consulting other Allstate agencies all over the nation until he decided the time was right to start an independent insurance agency of his own. Coupled with Peters' desire to grow his independent insurance agency, his passion for knowledge combined with the desire to learn more about the lead buying process lead him to dive deep into the black box of lead buying to uncover the truth about how the lead industry is fraught with fraud and deception. After spending over $2 million over 2 years in leads and technology with a continued passion to add transparency to the lead buying process for his fellow agents, Lead Clinic was formed to provide high intent customer leads with total transparency into the details of the lead. Over time, Peter has established an expansive tech stack that provides retail agencies with the ability to buy leads that have been filtered for legitimacy and appended with real customer contact data. Taking it one step further, the leads are transferred to an advanced communication service that instantly connects the qualified lead to an outbound SMS and email campaign. The SMS and emails are sent to the customer for 90 days allowing the agency to focus on closing sales rather than hunting for them.

Our Mission:

The problem: 

Our founder was buying leads for nearly a decade within the insurance vertical for his agency. He recognized that lead vendors are not providing transparency on many levels about each lead that is bought. Soon after, he realized there was a way to solve this problem by integrating technology and also by just doing honest business. 

The solution:

Lead Clinic was founded to be the difference maker in lead generation. We have spent years building this business to make sure we do this “the right way”. No one wants to buy a lead that starts with an angry consumer on the other end of the phone who never had any intent. Lead Clinic provides our clients transparency paralleled with automation tools to help ensure you are not only buying the best lead possible, but using the greatest tools to help ensure conversions are happening. 

  • Transparency

    Our clients are always in the know.

  • Reliability

    When you need us most, we're here.

  • Integrity

    Above all else, our actions will speak louder than words.

  • Honesty

    Trust is what it is all about and it starts with us.

  • Consistency

    We pride ourselves on delivering on what we say, we will.


We're absolutely thrilled to announce that Lead Clinic is now proudly part of the esteemed R.E.A.C.H. team, and to top it off, we're honored to be recognized as one of the Founding Members! This partnership signifies a significant milestone for us, as it opens up exciting avenues for collaboration, innovation, and growth in the field of lead generation. As part of this dynamic network, we're committed to pushing boundaries, driving positive change, and delivering unparalleled value to our clients and partners.

Founding Member

Some of Our Highlights We Focus On:

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We believe the innovation we are bringing to this industry is groundbreaking. Make an appointment with the Doctor to find out why!
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Who does not love working with a company that is flexible? One of our main focuses within this community is being able to be flexible around our customers. 
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If you cannot tell by the rest of our website, transparency is the core of Lead Clinic. We love doing good and honest business with others. We want you to understand as much as you want to which know, which is we will always be transparent with you every step of the way.

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We will always adapt to change in the industry. Lead generation is full of laws, regulations, and compliance mandates which means that we always adapt to not only what is needed but what is best for our clients.
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Automation is the future of lead generation. However, it must be used in a way which benefits your business the most. We will always provide you tools and recommendations on how to best use automation in your business.
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We always identify functional areas within our business and look for opportunities to be more efficient. When those opportunities present themselves, we are quick to ensure we are using tools that make us as efficient as possible.